On a project site a few years ago, I showed a conventional landscaping…
They could have had a wall. Instead they got an ecosystem!
Project Update: Hammond Beach & Slope Restoration – one year after installation.
This Beach Club needed shoreline stabilization for their eroding beach and roadway embankment, an effort that required a lengthy wetland permitting process. They took bids from a number of Engineers who proposed a structural wall on the embankment. That would have used up the Club’s limited funds for this project.
Our approach was different.
We looked holistically at the entire site and sought to give the Club maximum site and use benefits for their dollars, and in a way that would most easily obtain needed permits. We added beauty and ecological function through natural features including a stone-lined bioswale heavily planted with natives. In addition, we addressed other site challenges such as boat launch area erosion hundreds of feet away from the beach area. We solved their multiple problems (during one of the wettest years on record) while adding considerable beauty, functionality and ecological richness to the beachfront property!
If you have a landscape project you’d like to discuss, call us today for a free 15 minute consult at (413) 687-1135 or contact us here.