Make your landscape a showpiece of sustainability that your neighbors will envy. Save time and money with Wellnesscapes Design.

Low Maintenance Landscaping
Landscape Design and Landscape Architecture that doesn’t need lots of time and money.
Wellnesscapes Design’s approach to landscape design and landscape architecture provides ever-reducing maintenance needs, especially after full establishment. We help clients limit their use of high maintenance areas, such as lawns, to where they are most desired. This allows other areas to become more natural and beautiful while giving clients more time to truly enjoy their property.

Environmentally Responsible
Landscape Design and Landscape Architecture that helps the planet and doesn’t pollute it.
We honor our clients’ desire to live in harmony with their environment by guiding them to make landscape choices that enhance rather than harm the earth. We particularly seek to let your landscape contribute to cleaner water and to bringing nature closer to you. We emphasize using local materials and working creatively with the raw materials close at hand first before bringing in new elements.

Quality of Home & Work Life
Landscapes that feel good to be in.
When something just feels right you know it. Wellness is part of our name because our work brings peace and healing with it. From including medicinal plants, and designing year-round beauty, to developing soothing water features, you will enjoy years of pleasure in our landscapes.
“We’ve worked with many contractors and architects over the years, and I’d be hard-pressed to name one who was as attentive, client-centered, and as professional as Tom.”
Duncan L., Williamsburg, MA